Blonde, Red, and Black hair models with text that reads "Color match yourself like a pro. DIY with out individual Color Ring Swatch to find your perfect match"
 Blonde, Red, and Black hair models with text that reads "Color match yourself like a pro. DIY with out individual Color Ring Swatch to find your perfect match"

How it works

Step 1:
Begin Color Matching

  • • Identify your color group
    (Black, Brown, Blonde, Red, Dimensional)
    Pro Tip:
    If you plan on changing your hair color, please do so before color matching
  • • Find your hair undertone
    (Warm, Cool, Neutral)
  • • Shop 2-3 Color Swatches
    closest to your shade
Order Now >

Step 2:
After Receiving Swatches

  • • Make sure hair is brushed, clean, dry, & product-free
  • • In natural lighting, hold each swatch over your hair from mid-shaft to ends
  • • Now that you've found a match, it's time to place your order!
    Pro Tip:
    If you can't find an exact match, we recommend choosing a shade lighter
Order Now >

We have the widest
color selection in the biz!

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 1 - Jet Black

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1 - Jet Black 1 - Jet Black
#1 - Jet Black

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 1B - Natural Black

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1B - Natural Black 1B - Natural Black
#1B - Natural Black

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 2 - Darkest Brown

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2 - Darkest Brown 2 - Darkest Brown
#2 - Darkest Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 3 - Dark Brown

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3 - Dark Brown 3 - Dark Brown
#3 - Dark Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 4 - Medium Brown

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4 - Medium Brown 4 - Medium Brown
#4 - Medium Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 6 - Chestnut

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6 - Chestnut 6 - Chestnut
#6 - Chestnut

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 10 - Golden Brown

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10 - Golden Brown 10 - Golden Brown
#10 - Golden Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 2A - Dark Ash Brown

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2A - Dark Ash Brown 2A - Dark Ash Brown
#2A - Dark Ash Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 4A - Medium Ash Brown

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4A - Medium Ash Brown 4A - Medium Ash Brown
#4A - Medium Ash Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 8 - Light Ash Brown

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8 - Light Ash Brown 8 - Light Ash Brown
#8 - Light Ash Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 2/6 - Moccachino

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2/6 - Moccachino 2/6 - Moccachino
#2/6 - Moccachino

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 479 - Caramel Brown

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479 - Caramel Brown 479 - Caramel Brown
#479 - Caramel Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 640 - Chestnut Latte

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640 - Chestnut Latte 640 - Chestnut Latte
#640 - Chestnut Latte

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 840 - Sandy Bronde

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840 - Sandy Bronde 840 - Sandy Bronde
#840 - Sandy Bronde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 39 - Plum

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39 - Plum 39 - Plum
#39 - Plum

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 37 - Dark Cherry

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37 - Dark Cherry 37 - Dark Cherry
#37 - Dark Cherry

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 35 - Deep Auburn

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35 - Deep Auburn 35 - Deep Auburn
#35 - Deep Auburn

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 33D - Mahogany

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33D - Mahogany 33D - Mahogany
#33D - Mahogany

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 33 - Auburn

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33 - Auburn 33 - Auburn
#33 - Auburn

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 30 - Dark Ginger

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30 - Dark Ginger 30 - Dark Ginger
#30 - Dark Ginger

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 29 - Light Ginger

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29 - Light Ginger 29 - Light Ginger
#29 - Light Ginger

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 124 - Caramel Blonde

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124 - Caramel Blonde 124 - Caramel Blonde
#124 - Caramel Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 14 - Warm Honey

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14 - Warm Honey 14 - Warm Honey
#14 - Warm Honey

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 14/22 - Golden Blonde

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14/22 - Golden Blonde 14/22 - Golden Blonde
#14/22 - Golden Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 613/27 - Strawberry Blonde

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613/27 - Strawberry Blonde 613/27 - Strawberry Blonde
#613/27 - Strawberry Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 184 - Butterscotch

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184 - Butterscotch 184 - Butterscotch
#184 - Butterscotch

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 18 - Glazed Sand

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18 - Glazed Sand 18 - Glazed Sand
#18 - Glazed Sand

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 1846 - French Toast

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1846 - French Toast 1846 - French Toast
#1846 - French Toast

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 18/22 - Ash Blonde

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18/22 - Ash Blonde 18/22 - Ash Blonde
#18/22 - Ash Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 826 - Light Ash Blonde

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826 - Light Ash Blonde 826 - Light Ash Blonde
#826 - Light Ash Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 16 - Champagne Blonde

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16 - Champagne Blonde 16 - Champagne Blonde
#16 - Champagne Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 613 - Pure Blonde

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613 - Pure Blonde 613 - Pure Blonde
#613 - Pure Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 60 - Platinum

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60 - Platinum 60 - Platinum
#60 - Platinum

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, 60W - White Platinum

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60W - White Platinum 60W - White Platinum
#60W - White Platinum

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T1B/4/14 - Dark Espresso Caramel

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T1B/4/14 - Dark Espresso Caramel T1B/4/14 - Dark Espresso Caramel
#T1B/4/14 - Dark Espresso Caramel

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T2/6 - Chestnut Kiss

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T2/6 - Chestnut Kiss T2/6 - Chestnut Kiss
#T2/6 - Chestnut Kiss

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T2/4/15 - Espresso Caramel

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T2/4/15 - Espresso Caramel T2/4/15 - Espresso Caramel
#T2/4/15 - Espresso Caramel

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T2/6/16 - Dark Chestnut Blonde

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T2/6/16 - Dark Chestnut Blonde T2/6/16 - Dark Chestnut Blonde
#T2/6/16 - Dark Chestnut Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T4/12 - Toasted Almond

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T4/12 - Toasted Almond T4/12 - Toasted Almond
#T4/12 - Toasted Almond

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T4/184/16 - Cali Summer

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T4/184/16 - Cali Summer T4/184/16 - Cali Summer
#T4/184/16 - Cali Summer

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, T8/16/60 - Cool Platinum Pop

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T8/16/60 - Cool Platinum Pop T8/16/60 - Cool Platinum Pop
#T8/16/60 - Cool Platinum Pop

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R2-6 - Rooted Chestnut

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R2-6 - Rooted Chestnut R2-6 - Rooted Chestnut
#R2-6 - Rooted Chestnut

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R2-479 - Rooted Caramel Brown

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R2-479 - Rooted Caramel Brown R2-479 - Rooted Caramel Brown
#R2-479 - Rooted Caramel Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R2-640 - Rooted Chestnut Latte

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R2-640 - Rooted Chestnut Latte R2-640 - Rooted Chestnut Latte
#R2-640 - Rooted Chestnut Latte

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R4A-840 - Rooted Sandy Bronde

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R4A-840 - Rooted Sandy Bronde R4A-840 - Rooted Sandy Bronde
#R4A-840 - Rooted Sandy Bronde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R2-124 - Rooted Warm Honey

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R2-124 - Rooted Warm Honey R2-124 - Rooted Warm Honey
#R2-124 - Rooted Warm Honey

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R4A-14/22 - Rooted Golden Blonde

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R4A-14/22 - Rooted Golden Blonde R4A-14/22 - Rooted Golden Blonde
#R4A-14/22 - Rooted Golden Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R4A-184 - Rooted Butterscotch

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R4A-184 - Rooted Butterscotch R4A-184 - Rooted Butterscotch
#R4A-184 - Rooted Butterscotch

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R4A-18/22 - Rooted Ash Blonde

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R4A-18/22 - Rooted Ash Blonde R4A-18/22 - Rooted Ash Blonde
#R4A-18/22 - Rooted Ash Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, R4A-60 - Rooted Platinum

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R4A-60 - Rooted Platinum R4A-60 - Rooted Platinum
#R4A-60 - Rooted Platinum

Limited-Edition HĪEWS

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 01 - Sultry Brunette

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HĪEW 01 - Sultry Brunette

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 02 - Sunkissed Brunette

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HĪEW 02 - Sunkissed Brunette

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 03 - Brilliant Bronde

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HĪEW 03 - Brilliant Bronde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 04 - Beachy Bronde

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HĪEW 04 - Beachy Bronde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 05 - Hot Bronde

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HĪEW 05 - Hot Bronde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 06 - Luxe Copper Brown

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HĪEW 06 - Luxe Copper Brown

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 07 - Refined Red

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HĪEW 07 - Refined Red

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 08 - Gentle Copper

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HĪEW 08 - Gentle Copper

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 09 - Hi-Def Blonde

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HĪEW 09 - Hi-Def Blonde

Link to the product page for the color swatch ring, HĪEW 10 - Lived-In Blonde

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HĪEW 10 - Lived-In Blonde

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